Well this blog has been established so that people can check what will be going on with the youth group.
First thing on the agenda is Ball Hockey next tuesday night, May 15 @ 7:00 pm. This is taking place at Silas Quentin Patterson park and be sure to bring whatever you think you might need (Sticks, water, a pen to sign autographs because you were so great out on the pavement. . .) Bring a friend along too.
Second thing is the Youth Conference, to all those going I'm (I'm = James) pumped for it and look for more details in the future. It is taking place @ Mt. St. Vincent in Halifax May 18-20.
Third is that on friday June 1 there is going to be Gym Time at the St. Margarets Bay Center from 7-8 pm and than down to Dairy Queen after I believe for some hot eats and cool treats (I all ready know that I'm lame, but what can you do?)
Keep checking this out for more information in the future and I will try to keep this updated as I find things out too.