Friday, June 22, 2007


Next Wednesday, June 27 @ the Fire Hall from 6-9 pm we are going to have the end of school celebration. We're going to order some pizza, eat some other food and probably have a make your own Sundae or something else for dessert. (I had to check if I spelled dessert right by searching google images and seeing sugar stuff and not sand.) Also we're going too hook up the projector and a speaker and watch some movies. Bring some board games as well because we might get some games going at that time. (Bring Apples to Apples Megan and Gillian). You can feel free to bring your own seat if you like, such as a comfy lawn chair, a bean bag chair or if you're lame enough, inflatable furniture.

Friday, June 15, 2007

ARK Sunday Supper

Hey guys, this Sunday Hammonds Plains Christian Church is serving at the ARK Sunday Supper from 4-6. We are serving spaghetti pies and is a great way to help others and serve God. I encourage you to attend and help out if you have the chance. I will be there helping serve up slices of spaghetti and you can too! Hope to see you there.

"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Enter, you who are blessed by my Father! Take what's coming to you in this kingdom. It's been ready for you since the world's foundation. And here's why:

I was hungry and you fed me,
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,
I was homeless and you gave me a room,
I was shivering and you gave me clothes,
I was sick and you stopped to visit,
I was in prison and you came to me.'
Matthew 25:34-36

Friday, June 8, 2007

I made TIME Magazine!

I'll be signing autographs at Youth Group which is this coming Tuesday, June 12, at the Hammonds Plains Fire Hall from 7:00 until 8:30 pm. We will be playing some games and taking a look at the scriptures and just having some fun. Bring your Bible and a friend if you want and I'll see you there.

Also just a reminder of the softball game June 24 from 6-8:30 pm at Westridge field. Start practicing for the game and we will be playing against the Halifax Christian Church. Look for more information in the future.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


This is for those of you who attended the Spring Conference. I was just wondering if you could send me your pictures that you may have taken at the conference. If you can it would be grand and I'll be your best friend... okay, I'll just respect you a little more... okay, I won't make fun of you... okay, I'll probably just say thanks and we'll leave it at that. Anyways I want to collect those from you and maybe we'll work at putting something together with them. Keep checking the blog for up-dates.
This cartoon was pointed out to me by Samantha, but keep checking the blog, or your answering machine for things on the go or you might get left out, I hope that it doesn't happen, but it could happen.